Where Life and Security Count
— Westminster Security Systems


Westminster SS focusses on projects requiring high quality, professional standards whilst delivering exceptional value.


All our systems are NATO standard Certified, Certified Ballistic proof resistant against 5.56 - 50mm, RPG and explosive devices. We offer crash-, blast-, bullet-, impact- and explosive protective systems that are burglar and fire proof .


HVM - Hostile Vehicle Mitigation; Precast modular concrete security & defence wall system, bollards and barriers. It is a crash-, blast-, bullet- and explosive protective system. The system can be rapidly deployed to provide highly effective protection against hostile vehicle impacts, as well as the ability to be easily retro-fitted elsewhere. Ideal for protecting critical national infrastructure, events, embassies as well as ports, airfields and fuel depots. NATO standard for ballistic, blast and impact barriers, STANAG 2280 compliant and PASS 68 certified. Visit Karablok here.



MSV - Mobile Security Vaults; We build and install modular custom built secure rooms which are certified burglar, fire and bullet proof to military standards. The MSV’s can be rapidly deployed in theatre or civilian applications and be used for personnel and as logistics, safe storage buildings / containers and armories. Our MSV’s are tested and classified according International Security Standards EN-1143-1 grade 6 and up, and can be protected against EMP (electromagnetic pulse). Armox, the worlds toughest protection armor steel, can be added to withstand extreme forces from piercing or cutting into the MSVs. Visit Cesium here or learn more about our MSV here.

Security Vault and Safe


WSS also install certified burglar, fire and bullet proof Safes to military standards.


We design & build custom made Panic & Safe rooms for private residencies as well as commercial use. We can install integrated security solutions in both new build and existing buildings, or enhance the current protection. Our products ranges from fully equipped panic rooms to diversion safes securing and storing valuables in the building.

WSS also design & construct Safe rooms protecting people and data - designed to Tempest Certified Level 3. Our safe rooms keep out the most determined electronic and physical introducers.

Safe Panic Room

A safe / panic room within a home provides a great deal of security, which also provides peace of mind. A safe room can help to provide added assurance of your family’s safety and well-being during external events that are outside of your control. When the highest level of home security is desired, a safe room is unparalleled at providing this benefit.

Safe / Panic Rooms Have Flexible Placements

Safe rooms can be built above or below ground. They can also be built into the home itself, and many of them are located within the home’s basement level. However, a safe room can be built just about wherever you need it within your home plan and even as a separate structure. For example, a secret entrance may be placed within a bedroom closet. They can also be built as above or below-ground detached structures that are outside of your home, which tends to be more common for storm-type shelters. The flexibility of the placement, layout, and design of a safe room is one of the benefits, as they can work with just about any custom home plan. Think of a safe room as a box with few openings that can be defended.


We are specialists in identifying and analysing potential security risks or vulnerabilities that could negatively impact key business initiatives or projects. We can engage either with a desktop study at design stage for new installations, or on ground / in theatre in existing installations. With you, we will provide advice and guide you through solutions for you to make an informed strategic decision on the protection or defence desired. Our process is:

  • Identify: Map assets & identify security threats.

  • Evaluate: Prioritize risks and analyse & develop security measures.

  • Implement: Advise on a plan to reduce risks and implement recommendations if desired.


“A successful project to us means to protect physically. Most security systems are active deterrents, or record what happens. Ours physically deter, deny and thwart!”